newest members of coopers flock

Saturday, March 14, 2009

yesterday, these two darling birdies landed in my mailbox.

this precious one was knit by jeannie and flew in from san jose, california

and then there was this darling one knit up by marjorie in lansing illinois.

i can not even begin to tell you how much these birdies lightened my heart. they flew in at just the right time. you see my precious husband and i want to have more children, we want to feel that joy again and yesterday i found out that we are going to have to wait a little longer for that dream to happen. i was so disappointed and sad. i know that it will happen when my body is ready and that even though it feels like an eternity since my cooper was born, it has not been that long. and that maybe my body, mind and heart need a little more time to heal.

we will never be able to replace cooper, this i know, and having another baby will not change what happened. but we want so desperately to be parents. we were good parents and have so much love to give a child. and we are not old, but we aren't young either, and therefore do not have the luxury of waiting for a couple of years, and besides, we don't want to wait. i think nothing would make cooper happier than to have a brother or sister to watch over.

of course there are all kinds of fears that i have, but i can not let fear stop us from trying.

so thank you dear marjorie and jeannie for creating the newest members of coopers flock and for lightening my heart on a day when i needed it so.

1 comment:

  1. There will be the right time and you will know it. Your words about Cooper are part of the life-giving you have already done for him.
    Take care.
