coincidences or a higher power

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i am finding it hard to have a lot of faith in god these days. i grew up in the church but would not describe myself as a religious or spiritual person, but i do believe in a higher power, although i am not sure what that higher power looks like.

its hard after loosing the most precious thing in the world to me to believe in a god or even prayer. there were so many people praying for cooper and it didnt work, he was still taken away from me, so forgive me if i am a little skeptical. and to be honest, i am a little angry at whatever higher power does exist.

however, little things happen that some might call coincidences and others might call a higher power....

i was driving home yesterday from having lunch with a friend of mine and was lost in my thoughts. i was thinking about cooper, the way he smelled, his blond hair and his sweet sweet face. i suddenly took notice of the truck in front of me and in huge letter across the back "cooper vision" was written. i just smiled to myself and whatever sadness i was feeling seemed to disipate for a moment, and in that moment i felt peace.

i dont know if it was a coincidence or something else, but i do know that it came at just the right moment and there was so much truth in those words on the back of that truck.

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